Coming to Terms with Pain: Introduction to my Memoir; Pain Pit Praise: My Blueprint to Miraculous Healing

December 21, 2023


I spent close to five months in a very dark season. As a matter of fact, I was in the pit of hell. Yes I said it. I was in the pit of hell! I remember one particular friend was displeased that a Christian woman was admitting to being at the place where the devil and his angels reside. Why would I associate myself with this “place”?  was her grave concern. However, it is my belief that I am justified in saying this. First, it was how I was feeling. I experienced pain that was unbearable and had the capacity to drive me out of my mind; but God was there with me; which leads me to the second reason. Jesus experienced hell. Hebrews 13:11-12, alludes to that, explaining that Jesus, “bore an eternity of hell for all the sins of all His people who would ever live.”

Having experienced it, Jesus was the best “Person” to take me through my hell and to be with me in it every step  of the way. The Psalmist says, “Where can I go from your presence Lord? If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there” (Psalm 139:8, NKJV). Hell is a reality. I believe this Scripture was made for me, as God, being the omniscient One, knew the kind of sickness I would experience at that stage of my life.

It started in October 2022. There was an uneasiness in my lower back, along with heaviness and numbness accompanied by heat in my left leg; and a niggling pain which intensified to grueling, intolerable agony by the first week in November. It came to a head on Friday, November 4, 2022. Let me state here that all during my ordeal; I never visited the doctor and I never missed activities at church. There was an event called ‘Activation for Acceleration’ put on by The School of the Supernatural of Worship and Faith International Fellowship, popularly called WAFIF, from Thursday, November 3 to Saturday, November 5, with special guest, Prophet Solomon Sarfo. I attended all three “with pains on.”

So, back to Friday, November 4 – following the event, my ordeal became so torturous, I could barely scamper to my vehicle for rescue. I “crashed” inside, pulled back the driver’s seat and I wailed and groaned. There was a message in my head that said, “I can’t take this anymore; I must do something; God works through doctors too.” That was also the same day the Women’s Ministry, of which I’m a Core Team member, was having a fund raising event; and I was slated to serve. The plan was to remain at church after the Activation Conference and then serve for the Women’s Ministry. I realized this wasn’t going to happen. I hurriedly sent a tearful voice message to the leader that, to my regret, I would not be able to serve as I had to rush myself to the doctor.

It was late in the afternoon and my doctor in St Andrew, had closed for the day. I had to find a doctor and fast. I found one in the capital city of Spanish Town in the parish of St Catherine, Jamaica where I live. This doctor gave me what he called two “powerful” injections which would stop the pain in a short while. That didn’t materialize. This surprised him. I believe he was also a bit embarrassed as he seemed so sure I would get a relief from my misery in the “blink of an eye.”

He sent me to do an X-ray and asked that I return to him with the results. That X-ray was another painful experience. I couldn’t lie on my left side long enough for the technician to complete the process; so the exercise was longer than normal for him. I groaned and cried; but he was patient. Eventually, we got it done. The results showed nothing that explained my situation. This was perplexing.

I didn’t go back to that doctor but instead went to my family doctor with the results of the X-ray. As I limped into his office and he, ever so patient as usual, listened to my story and saw the grimace on my face, his only recourse was to send me to do an MRI; “Magnetic Resonance Imaging; a type of scan that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the body.” This was a hellish encounter. I was placed inside a scanner and was told not to move as movement would cause blurring of the images. That was not possible. The pain wouldn’t allow me. Because I couldn’t keep still, the technician had to start the process all over again. With a mutter of prayer, I managed to complete the 20-minute exercise… motionless.  Within hours of doing this test came the reason for my misery- the culprit was sciatic herniation.

I remember being relieved to at least know the reason for my “hell” experience. Now the focus was to get my complete relief from this debilitating sickness that was aiming to have me become a shadow of myself; to steal my joy, to have me lose my praise and to destroy my spiritual life. This was my portion at that time and season; but one that would not be my portion for life. It couldn’t be; I wouldn’t let it; not as long as there is my God.

This is what my book, Pain Pit Praise is about. It details my fight for my healing; my tenacity, my resilience and my boldness in the face of adversity. It recounts the steps I took to have God reward me with a miracle. If you are trapped in the clutches of pain of the body, spirit, mind and emotions, this book offers solace, guidance and a renewed sense of hope.

Through the power of Divine intervention and the strength of the human will, it is my intention that My Blueprint to Miraculous Healing will empower you to overcome your own afflictions by being healed; and emerge stronger than before in the process.